The initial level of the tree is accessed when users tap on “UPI Help” in Section 3.3.
Level 1 focuses on capturing the primary context of the issue. It is structured as follows:
Each category is presented as a selection along with a concise description that clarifies the options within that category.
Based on user preferences revealed in our research, it is recommended to have an option for audio playback of the label and description, as illustrated. This feature caters to users who prefer listening over reading text.
In parallel, across all levels of the tree, the user is offered the option to both speak to as well as chat with a service agent (in the latter case, this is usually a chatbot). This allows for a handover to the agent of all relevant data from the user’s navigation of the tree till the said level. The agent then guides the user through the rest of the tree.
✅ DO
Term Description | English | हिंदी (Hindi) |
Level 1 Problem Identification questions in the Help Navigation Tree | Problems Sending Money? | पैसे भेजने में दिक़्क़त है? |
Level 1 Problem Identification questions in the Help Navigation Tree | Problems Receiving Money? | पैसे मिलने में दिक़्क़त है? |
Level 1 Problem Identification questions in the Help Navigation Tree | Money got debited? | अनजान पेमेंट्स? |
Level 1 Problem Identification questions in the Help Navigation Tree | Other Issues | और समस्यायें |
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