2.0 Components of the Toolkit

What this Toolkit contains

  • Icon and text label positioning: Specification of optimal icon and text label placement within the GUI for efficient usage and navigation in the in-app GRM system. 
  • Navigation guidelines: Guidelines for navigating seamlessly between different sections or modules within the application for a smoother user experience across all functionalities. 
  • Information architecture: An organised outline of the information hierarchy and structure within the application that is logical, intuitive and enhances usability for users.
  • Guidelines for UI: Detailed guidelines for designing the UI and determining the placement of elements such as buttons, menus, and navigation bars, maintaining consistency and coherence throughout the system.
  • Glossary: A glossary delineating preferred terminologies and phrases to use within the interface, and highlighting words or phrases to avoid. The glossary is aimed towards improving clarity and consistency in communication with users, and is based on general principlies of usability and comprehension of text for constrained users. We have retained terms such as ‘debit’, ‘credit’ and ‘ticket’ as transliteration versions since a majority of users are unable to understand these technical terms if they are translated into local languages.

What this Toolkit does not contain

  • Downloadable UI elements: This Toolkit focuses on providing guidelines and best practices rather than downloadable UI components.
  • Detailed/ Micro UI style guide: Detailed design specifications such as colours, typography, and visual design guides are not included in this Toolkit.
  • Code or coded elements: The Toolkit does not include any programming-related aspects such as code snippets or SDKs. It focuses solely on UX/UI considerations for designing the GRM within the application.
  • Third-party integration: It does not involve integration with third-party tools or services.

For more information visit www.dvararesearch.com