4.4 Resolution

A. Resolution for Transaction Related Queries

By Level 3, users have already furnished adequate information for offering a resolution.

To ensure clarity and efficacy in the resolution process, the information is broken down for the user, in Level 3, as follows:

Known Transaction Data

This section presents details that have been selected or provided by the user. It encompasses essential information such as the transaction ID, status, amount, date and time, and other pertinent data.

From this section, users can verify that the correct transaction has been identified, thus improving accuracy in the resolution process.

View Screen


A Reason Statement provides the potential reason(s) for the encountered issue, in clear and straightforward language. Supporting the user in understanding the underlying cause fosters transparency and trust in the support process.

The Reason Statement may encompass factors such as technical glitches, incomplete or inaccurate transaction details, or other common issues affecting UPI transactions.


Clear and actionable next steps are laid out for the user to follow to resolve the issue effectively. User-friendly instructions help users comprehend and execute these steps without confusion.

The solution may entail specific actions within the application or outside of it, such as waiting for a specified number of days, reattempting the transaction, contacting customer support, reporting fraud, or following predefined in-app troubleshooting procedures.

Well-structured resolutions empower users with adequate guidance to address their grievances efficiently. It ensures that users are informed about the issue, understand the proposed solution, and can take actionable steps to resolve the issue with confidence.

B. Resolution for UPI AutoPay

When addressing customer-flagged transactions that have been identified as UPI AutoPay, it is crucial to begin by elucidating the concept behind this feature.

View Screen

Especially given its novelty and potential for user confusion, the resolution process is structured into three key sections:


The reason statement offers users a clear and concise explanation of the deduction, emphasising that it resulted from a UPI AutoPay. For instance, “The amount has been deducted automatically from your account. You signed up for a service and gave permission for it.”

This straightforward explanation helps users understand the nature of the transaction and the automated deduction mechanism associated with UPI AutoPay. It aims to alleviate confusion and clarify the legitimacy of the deduction.

Within the designated section titled ‘What can I do?,’ users are presented with precise and actionable steps to effectively address the issue at hand. In instances where a refund cannot be facilitated, users are empathetically informed of alternative measures to prevent future debits, notably by considering the cancellation of the UPI AutoPay.


Within the designated section titled ‘What can I do?,’ users are presented with precise and actionable steps to effectively address the issue at hand. In instances where a refund cannot be facilitated, users are empathetically informed of alternative measures to prevent future debits, notably by considering the cancellation of the UPI AutoPay.


Users are seamlessly directed to the AutoPay detail screen, where they can promptly initiate the necessary actions to manage their AutoPay and mitigate potential risks associated with future debits.

Given the absence of transactional data within the Help Navigation Tree, it becomes imperative to provide users with clarity regarding the recurring nature of such transactions. Therefore, within the section titled ‘Can this happen again?’, users are thoughtfully briefed on the recurring mode characteristic of AutoPay, alongside an explanation of the likelihood of similar occurrences in the future. 

Furthermore, users are empowered with the option to review all active AutoPay, allowing them greater insight and control over their financial transactions and AutoPay management.

C. Reporting Fraud or Fraudulent Transactions

When users encounter a transaction that raises suspicions regarding its authenticity, they are provided with the option to report it as fraud.

View Screen 1 & View Screen 2

Before proceeding with the reporting process, the transaction details are meticulously broken down for the user.

  • Users are presented with comprehensive transaction details, including recipient information (Name/UPI ID/Mobile Number).
  • Additionally, users are reminded that this transaction has been verified by their PIN, reinforcing the importance of authentication.
  • After providing users with this detailed information, they are presented with resolution options (See below).

The Resolution (“What can I do?”)

While acknowledging that a refund may not be possible, users are empowered with the option to contact the payee directly. By directing them to the UPI transaction screen, users can initiate communication with the payee, either through messaging or calling the associated mobile number.

Furthermore, users are presented with two additional follow-up options:

  • Report the transaction as fraudulent: Reporting fraud to the authorities is a process that sits outside the UPI GRM. The UPI service provider can provide guidance on the next steps, such as contacting the user’s bank, or contacting the cybercrime branch or helpline. This enables users to continue with their fraud resolution journey outside of the UPI application.
  • Change their UPI PIN for added security: Users are encouraged to enhance their security measures by changing UPI PIN. This mitigates the risk of further fraudulent transactions.

By offering these resolution options, users are equipped with the necessary tools and guidance to address fraudulent transactions effectively while bolstering their security measures within the UPI ecosystem.

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